Lucky Wheel (Deprecated)

UPDATE JULY 2023 – Lucky Wheel has been discontinued

Lucky Wheel is a 3 day event where you have the opportunity to win one of 3 specific Heroess (Dara, Hanyu Ichiro, Angelo). Make sure to choose your hero in the top left before spinning.

You can purchase gold coins to earn spins, and you get 1 free spin per day. If you save up coins, you get 10 spins for 9 coins. There are also progress rewards for the total number of spins during the vent.

You can purchase up to 10 coins with diamonds (1,000 per coin). You can also obtain gold coins on occasion in the Alliance Store, or purchase them in the Cash Mall.

Importantly the coins persist between events, so if you are patient, you can get materially more rewards by saving up coins for 22 events, (or less if you purchase a few coins from the cash mall or Alliance Mall).

Event Strategy

The rewards for saving up spins don’t make sense. If I play the event and spin to 10 spins and get 2 frags, and do that for 5 events, (50 spins total) I will earn 10x Frags of my chosen hero. If I save the 50 spins up and do them all at once, I only earn 7 frags, and I will be less efficient because of the static 3 free spins per event. So my advice is – purchase 7 coins with Diamonds, use the 3 free spins, and get 2 x frags each event. It’s the most efficinet way to do it, and you will also get lucky and win some random frags too.

Random Reward Probability

Chosen Hero Frag x32%
5* Perfect Hero Frag x32%
Chosen Hero Frag x14%
5* Perfect Hero Frag x14%
Promote Choice Box II x25%
Weapon Material Cest x25%
Promote Choice Box x212%
Enhance Choice Box x212%
Gear Refiner x1012%
Mark of Glory x1012%
60-min Speedup x515%
Lesser Resource Box x515%

Progress Rewards

# of SpinsRewards
102x Chosen Hero (Frag Dara, Hanyu Ichiro, Angelo)
10x 150k Food
10x 150k Wood
10x 50k Steel
302x 5* Perfect Hero Frag
10x 150k Food
10x 150k Wood
10x 50k Steel
505x Chosen Hero (Frag Dara, Hanyu Ichiro, Angelo)
20x 150k Food
20x 150k Wood
20x 50k Steel
1005x 5* Perfect Hero Frag
1x Weapon Design Box II
20x 150k Food
20x 150k Wood
20x 50k Steel
15010x Chosen Hero (Frag Dara, Hanyu Ichiro, Angelo)
30x 150k Food
30x 150k Wood
30x 50k Steel
20010x 5* Perfect Hero Frag
30x 150k Food
30x 150k Wood
30x 50k Steel
30020x Chosen Hero (Frag Dara, Hanyu Ichiro, Angelo)
1x Weapon Design Box II
50x 150k Food
50x 150k Wood
50x 50k Steel