Alliance Showdown is a 7 day long Alliance based event.
A number of Challenges are available to you (depending on your event level), and you get points for completing them. Points are both Personal and Alliance based. The best thing about this event is that everyone can contribute no matter what level, and if you all contribute together the rewards can be quite impressive.
Ideally your smaller players aim for 1000-1200 points, and largr players 2000+ points
For Example:
In the quest below I need to collect 200,000 Chip Maaterial to get 120 Event Points
Rewards (Star Level)
You will notice at the picture below that as an indivdidual at Star level, all rewads are unlocked at 1,000 personal points. With 100 people in alliance you need 150,000 points to unlock the maximum rewards for all players that receive 1000 points.
Quest selection tactics
Not all missions are equal. Some offer poor time value, or poor cost/reward tradeoff.
If an R4 doesn’t like a mission on offer, they can delete them, and they respawn with a timer.
Bad Missions
– All Missions with less than 100 points
– All missions with 113 point value. (Unlucky 13)
– Resource transport (36m resources)
– Resource gathering 143 point missions .
– AP spend missions
– Stamina missions
– Tech Might up missions (unless very low level)
– Diamond Recharge 18,000 mission (real world cash cost)
Good Missions! (Easy or efficient)
– Get Materials (120 points )
– Use Speedup hours (157 points)
– Increase Troop Might (120 points)
– Increase Building Might (120 points)
– Hero Frags (make sure to save your heroes/Modules for this)
– Transport (126 points)
– Help missions
– Lair missions
– Arena missions
– Consume 3,000 and 12,000 Diamonds
– Alliance Coin missions
– Buy Mystery shop items (122, 175 points)
– Quiz
– rss gathering 172pt (Food and Wood)