Li’s gift promoises a random amoutn of diamond coins between 18 and 28,888. I am yet to find anyone who got mor..
I have recorded a quick video of Card Duel. Not covering every detail fully, but hopefully makes..
Today we added a hero recycling video to the Hero page, which is sstill under development. Click here to ch..
Update the intel collection, extending poitns and rewards out to 500.
I have added an event Calendar to the Events page, Found this link via Reddit. IF anyone knows the author – let me know so I can conteact them for premission, or tak..
Added new gameplay videos for Alliance Party and D..
IF you have your Hero to +8 you can do specialties. Click here to learn more and se..
Zenith War is an event in early state development, and is a precursor to Wasteland King. Understand the event, and see the gameplay vodeo here. Feel free to leave..